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Our Plan For  A Better Hernando County


In my opinion, great leaders find ways to connect with the people and to empower them. Throughout my career, I’ve learned that in order to succeed in public service, one must possess a deep understanding of the concerns and needs of the individuals they aim to serve. My platform has been carefully crafted by taking into account feedback from the citizens I represent. I believe that in order to build strong communities, it’s crucial to engage in active listening and to be a voice that advocates for the people.

My Platform

Ensure our citizens are not taxed out of their homes

Over the past 8 years we have faced rising taxes. In these tough economic times citizens are struggling and cant afford the tax increases. 

Advocate for growth that is responsible for the community

Hernando County is experiencing an alarming amount of growth. Although growth is inevitable, proper planning and growth that fits the identity of the community should be top priority. 

Make decisions from the residents point of view, first, second, and always

Any pressing issue that comes up in the community residents shall be consulted. They have first hand experience with situations and their opinions should be firmly considered before a vote is made. 

Support the Veteran community and local first responders

Hernando County is designated as a Purple Heart County. Our veterans should be highlighted. Our First responders are the backbone of the community. Its important we value the men and women that keep our community safe. 

Re-energize the community and foster a brighter future for Hernando County

For far too long the citizens of this county have been neglected and ignored. The future of every community lies in capturing the passion, investment and resources of its people. We are stronger together.


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